Introducing eco friendly changes at Squeaky Clean Grooming

Everyone must do their part to keep our world clean and beautiful. As we constantly strive to improve our business for the wellness of our pets, we’ve decided to do the same for our planet. Ever since we began, treats are placed in biodegradable wax bags and the pet report cards are printed on recycled paper. It’s exciting to roll out a couple new changes to keep going green.

We have added a line of eco friendly bathing solutions from Earthbath. We have also ditched the single use plastics and now use biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes. Thanks to our clients for providing feedback that led to the changes. After each service, we encourage our clients to let us know how we did and what could be improved via our survey. Continuing to grow, change and adapt is important to us. We can’t wait to treat your pet like family, (and help the environment a little while we’re at it).